2018/19 Parent Survey
To the best parents out there...Diamond Creek Parents!!
The PTC would love your input. Every year we send out a Parent Survey for our parents to complete. This help us plan events and allocate funds for what is most important for our children.
For those who don't know, the PTC is a Parent/Teacher Committee of volunteers who plan and execute fundraisers, plan school events, bring in school-wide enrichment programs, and much, much more!! We want our parents to have a voice and opinion on what is most important for our children. We know that not everyone can attend our general meetings, so we send out this survey once a year to help give those parents a voice.
The survey should only take about 5 minutes to complete and is all done online. The survey is anonymous, so please be honest. Only one survey is needed per family. We hope that you take a moment to complete our survey so we can best support our children this next school year. The last day to complete the survey is 4/19. If you'd like to hear the results of this survey, please attend our next General Board Meeting on Tuesday, May 7th at 7pm in the DC Library. Pizza will be provided as well as child care for school aged kids. We hope to see you there!
Many thanks!!
PTC Board